Welcome to the Official website of Industries Sports Association of Malta. The aim of our Association is to organise sporting and social activities for workers in the private sector.
The Industries Sports Association of Malta started way back in 1968, and since then organized a number of sporting activities. Every year the ISA, as it is better known, organizes the Football Competitions ranging from a League to Knock-Out Competitions. The ISA is also a member of the MFA (Malta Football Association) and the "Kunsill Malti Ghall-Isport".
We invite you to enjoy yourself roaming around our web site and please, do not hesitate to contact should you require our assistance!
Din hija il-Web Site Ufficjali ta l-“Industries Sports Association Malta”. L-iskop ewlieni ta l-Ghaqda taghna hu li torganizza attivitajiet Sportivi u Socjali ghal-dawk l-impjegati kollha fis-settur privat.
L-“Industries Sports Association Malta” ilha imwaqqfa sa mill-1968 u matul dawn iz-zmienijiet organizzat diversi attivitajiet sportivi. Kull sena l-ISA, kif inhi maghrufa fil-qosor, torganizza Kompetizzjonijiet tal-Futbol. Dan ilhu isir kemm ilha imwaqqfa l-ISA li hi ukoll affiljata ma l-Ghaqda Nazzjonali tal-Futbol, l-MFA kif ukoll mal-Kunsill Malti Ghall-Isport.
Ghalhekk nistiednek sabiex iddur sewwa fil-Web Site taghna u ghal aktar informazzjoni inhegguk tikkuntattjana sabiex inkunu ta’ servizz ghalik!